The story of our river strategy

Ongoing environmental decline and the climate crisis can make caring for our river seem an overwhelming job – where do we even begin? That’s where a strategy comes in. It’s a comprehensive plan that sets out our goals, and what we’re going to do to reach them.

FORFs first river strategy was published in 2012. 8 years later with new developments on the horizon (like SaxonvaleCaxton Road and, possibly, Selwood Garden Village) we decided a revised and updated strategy was needed.

Creating our 2020 strategy

The new strategy was developed by a sub-group of FORF with expertise in ecology, hydrology, planning and civil engineering. It took into account proposals for protecting and improving the river environment as well as considering better public access to the river.

The result? One new vision. 5 major aims. 31 projects.

As Frome grows, its River should be conserved as a clean, healthy, nature-rich, free-flowing river system which provides a natural habitat for a diversity of life and an accessible green corridor which connects people to nature.

The new vision from our 2020 river strategy

The strategy was unveiled in May 2020 at our Annual General Meeting, with all friends of the river invited to comment, along with local groups. After this members of the committee did more revising before presenting the strategy to Frome Town Council.

Unanimously adopted by the council

Frome Town Council unanimously adopted the new River Strategy at its meeting on 24 June 2020. This means it’s now a material consideration in planning decisions, or to put it simply, the river cannot be forgotten!